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Farmer’s Seeds Project - Best Practices in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Sovereignty: development of an inclusive approach in the Fight against Poverty


The enhancement of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources is a central issue for the future of farm seeds. Both in Europe and in the South, a large number of family experiences in agriculture and small-scale cultivation contribute to the preservation of the cultivated biodiversity. Based on a vision of Food Sovereignty, these experiences are characterized by the sustainable management of natural resources, conservation and exchange of seeds, valorization of farmers’ knowledge and short chain so as to ensure social and economic efficiency in the framework of sustainable and participated rural development.

The project therefore aims at mobilizing a multi-stakeholder operative network for a proper implementation in Europe and Africa of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA,) by promoting small-scale agricultural and agro-ecological models.

Problems to solve

Today, both in Europe and in the South, agriculture is facing a new global crisis involving its relationship with society and with the nature and the role of farmers in the food chain. The externalities of food production are increasingly evident, starting from pesticides to the new agenda on climate change. Two different sides of the same problem concerning global society: the quality of food (in the North) and Food Security (in the South.) Farmers are experiencing a reduction in their autonomy as it increases their dependence on agro-food system.

While the majority proposals of modernization in agriculture provide for a greater industrialization of the sector in order to deal with this transition, examples from the field show that an alternative way of farming (i.e. organic, low input and agro-ecological) is more suitable for overcoming the crisis and ensuring Food Security and Sovereignty.


Mobilizing an operative network between different actors for a successful implementation of the ITPGRFA through the promotion of ecological and family agriculture models both in EU food strategies and in cooperation policies in Africa.

Results to achieve

The dissemination and capitalization of good practices on family farming in African and European countries involved in the project

Setting up a pilot network for decentralized cooperation, which pays attention to education and agro-biodiversity issues, involving small farmers’ organizations, NGOs, civil society organizations, universities, local authorities and private actors from European and African countries involved in the project

Realizing an information campaign aimed at European citizens about the ITPGRFA in order to raise support for African farmers and be involved in programs of international cooperation

Promoting consistency with art #6 of the Treaty (sustainable use of genetic resources in agriculture and farmers’ rights) for EU policies on agriculture, commerce, education and development cooperation


  • Networks of farmers’ organizations and its members in five European countries and two African countries involved in the project
  • Students and youth leaders from five European countries
  • Platforms and networks of Civil Society Organizations and NGOs dealing with the right to food, Food Security and agricultural development at national and European level
  • Local and national media (TV, radio, press, web) for information dissemination to the Europe citizens
  • Institutions at local, national and European level

Data synthesis

  • Location: France, Scotland, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Senegal, and Tunisia
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Total value: €1,332,771
  • Main Donor: European Commission


  • Centro Internazionale Crocevia – CIC
  • Biodiversity Exchange and Diffusion of Experiences (BEDE)
  • Scottish Crofting Foundation
  • Clubul Ecologic Transilvania
  • Protect the Future (Vedegylet)
  • Association pour le Developpement Durable Médenine – ADD
  • Kalounayes pour le Développement Economique et Social – KDES

Other bodies involved

  • Rete Semi Rurali Italia
  • Rete Semi Rurali Francia
  • REMADEL- rete Maghrebina per lo sviluppo
  • Bioversity International
  • International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC)
  • Fondazione Bioparco di Roma
  • Università di Pisa
  • Università degli studi di Milano- Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale – Facoltà di Agraria
  • Secretary of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resourches for Food And Agriculture (ITPGRFA)

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Red Andaluza de Semillas "Cultivando Biodiversidad"

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